About the Site

Dragon Divider

A Work in Progress

This website is (and probably always will be) a work in progress. I opened my neocities account years ago and uploaded some pages outlining a personal project I was working on at the time but it wasn't untill earliyer this year that I decided to create a personal site. I started out with a few pages written in html and some CSS I cobbled together but I quickly realized that managing even something simple like a navigation bar in html was too tidious and error prone to contine.

Since then I have swiched to the Nikola static site generator. I am still using the sites original CSS. I'v created a Nikloa theme that looks almost the same as the site did before I started using Nikola. Once I polish things up and do some testing I'd like to submit my theme to the Nikola Themes repository.

In the mean time, please enjoy my work in progress!

Dragon Divider

The Archive of My Own Section

This is a personal web archive. I've created it to store copies of webpages I find useful, interesting, or worth preserving for some other reason.

Dragon Divider


Github Repo



* An Incompleate list.


🟪 Improve accsesability
🟪 Make the site more readable
🟪 Make the theme changable
🟪 Make the reading experiance customizable
🟪 Add more dragons
🟪 Add Web-mentions

See Issues for more...

Dragon Divider

Notes on Browser Compatability

I've always been a firefox devote but it seems its user share is declining. Unfortunatly, this means that many websites and webdevelopment tools are not properly tested in or compatable with firefox. Currently, the kudos buttons on this site and the bravenet embedded guestbook both fail in firefox.

I'm going to see what I can do about this. My goal is for this site to be 100% compatable with firefox based browsers. If you find anything that doesn't seem to be working, please post an issue on github or comment below.

Dragon Divider


Commenting on this site is currently powered by Utterances which requiers a github account. I'm sorry for this. I would like to use a comments system that is free, allows anonymous comments, and respects privacy, but this is a pick two situation. (I know I picked one, don't @ me.)
